What is the difference between Agile vs. Scrum?

Implementing Agile Project Management

Nesli Han Diken

What is the difference between Agile vs. Scrum?

Implementing Agile Project Management

03 Nisan 2023 , Blog

When it comes to managing projects, there are a variety of different methodologies and frameworks that can be used to help teams stay organized, communicate effectively, and get things done efficiently. Some of the most popular approaches include agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, each of which has its own unique strengths and benefits.

While it's true that these different methodologies aren't necessarily opposites of one another, it's important to note that they do have distinct differences and are designed to address different types of challenges.

Each of these methodologies follows the Agile principles, which prioritize collaboration, communication, and flexibility over rigid processes and documentation. They share a common set of values and principles that are essential to their success. These values focus on individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change.

The key takeaway is that while these methodologies may have unique features, they all share a commitment to delivering value quickly, responding to change, and continuously improving the process. Ultimately, the choice of which methodology to use will depend on the specific needs and goals of the project, as well as the preferences and skills of the team involved.

For example, they all emphasize collaboration, iterative development, and responding to change over following a rigid plan. They also prioritize delivering value to the customer, promoting transparency and communication, and empowering teams to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

So, rather than focusing on the differences between these methodologies, it's important to look at the underlying values and principles that they share. By doing so, teams can choose the approach that best suits their needs and adapt it to their specific context and project requirements.

What are the common values of those agile methodologies?

1.  Prioritize human interactions and collaboration over strict adherence to processes and tools. This means that team members are encouraged to communicate regularly, collaborate closely, and share their expertise to produce high-quality work.

2. Emphasize the importance of delivering working software over creating extensive documentation. Instead of focusing on creating a detailed plan upfront, Agile teams prioritize delivering working software as early and frequently as possible.

3. Value customer collaboration and involvement in the development process over strict contractual obligations. This means that customer feedback is incorporated into the development process, which helps ensure that the final product meets the customer's needs.

4. Embrace change as a natural part of the development process. Instead of following a rigid plan, Agile teams are flexible and adapt to changes in requirements, technology, and other factors to deliver a successful product.

What are the key differences between agile project management methodologies?

There are some key differences between these methodologies, but they also share some common principles and values, such as customer focus, continuous improvement, and delivering value early and often. 

The choice of methodology depends on the specific needs and context of the project or organization. 

However, while they share common values, they differ in their implementation and application.

Scrum focuses on iterative sprints with a specific set of roles, events, and artifacts, while Kanban emphasizes visualizing work and limiting work in progress to increase efficiency.

Lean is centered around continuous improvement and eliminating waste, while Agile is a broader approach that can be applied to a wide range of projects and industries.




Key Features




Flexibility, customer collaboration, and rapid delivery of working software.

Customer collaboration, adaptive planning, continuous improvement, flexible response to change.

Increased customer satisfaction, faster time-to-market, better quality products.

Difficult to implement without experienced team members


Self-organizing teams, iterative sprints, and continuous improvement.

Iterative sprints, specific roles and responsibilities, daily standup meetings, backlog management.

Improved team collaboration, greater transparency and accountability, faster product development.

Rigid and inflexible if not implemented properly


Limiting work in progress, improving flow, and continuous delivery.

Visual task boards, work in progress limits, continuous delivery, cycle time analysis.

Improved efficiency and productivity, faster time-to-market, better communication and collaboration.

May require significant changes to team structure and culture, can be challenging to manage scope and prioritize work.


Maximizes customer value while minimizes waste and inefficiency.

Continuous improvement, elimination of waste, focus on customer value, just-in-time delivery.

Reduced costs and waste, increased efficiency and quality, improved customer satisfaction.

May require significant changes to team structure and culture.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Collaboration, frequent releases, and continuous testing and feedback.

Pair programming, continuous testing and integration, frequent releases, customer involvement.

Improved quality and speed of development, increased customer satisfaction, better communication and collaboration.

May not be suitable for all types of projects or teams, can be challenging to implement without experienced team members.


A traditional, linear approach to project management in which each phase of the project is completed before moving on to the next.

Sequential process, clearly defined phases and milestones, formal documentation and review.

Well-suited to projects with well-defined requirements and limited changes, provides clear project structure and milestones.

Inflexible and slow to respond to change, may result in delays and cost overruns if requirements are not well-defined.

The most important thing is to find an agile methodology that works for your team and helps you deliver value to your customers. Whether you choose Scrum, Kanban, Lean, or some combination of these approaches, the key is to stay flexible, stay focused on your goals, and continuously learn and improve as you go.

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